Mar 31, 2025  
Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025 
Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025

Adult Integrated Learning Program

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University General Education Requirements  

Program Offerings: Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Science Degrees

A growing number of adults return to school later in life, often after succeeding in other careers. It is also becoming increasingly common for people of different ages and backgrounds to start their higher education careers at their own pace. The Adult Integrated Learning Program (AIL) is designed to provide nontraditional students an opportunity to earn an undergraduate degree in a manner compatible with their education needs and lifestyle. Non-traditional students are usually 25 and older. Many of them who attend college at this age are lifelong learners, attend school part-time and have work experience that can be integrated into their program as they earn a bachelor’s degree.

The Adult Integrated Learning Program recognizes that adults may have attended a variety of education institutions and accepts transfer of passing coursework taken at other regionally accredited colleges and universities. Students may also apply for academic credit through the preparation of a prior learning portfolio (PLA), which documents specific college-level knowledge gained through non-academic pursuits that can be related to CSU courses. Additionally, nontraditional degree students are encouraged to use the College Level Examination Program (CLEP), the Excelsior Examinations, and other testing programs to gain college credits.

The Adult Integrated Learning Program is not an appropriate program for licensure in a professional field such as teaching or health services. Persons desiring such credentials should apply for admission to the appropriate department or college within the University.

Students with baccalaureate degrees from regionally accredited colleges or universities may not be admitted to the Adult Integrated Learning Degree Program.

Application Procedures

  1. Attendance at a prospective students’ meeting is required for all new students in order to receive program guidelines and university admission requirements.
  2. Complete an Undergraduate Application to Chicago State University. This application is required for all new incoming students. Students NOT previously admitted to Chicago State University must also submit official transcripts from all other colleges and universities attended. Those with fewer than 24 semester hours of college credit must also submit a high school transcript or its equivalent.
  3. Students who previously attended Chicago State University, including Board of Governors (BOG) majors, must complete a Readmission Application.
  4. Students currently enrolled in Chicago State University must submit a Major/Minor Change Form signed by the student and the previous departmental advisor.
  5. Complete an AIL Degree Plan. This plan is placed in the student’s academic file.
  6. Once a student’s file is completed, a decision will be made on the application by the Dean of the program.

Students will be notified of the admission decision to the Adult Integrated Learning (AIL) Program through a letter issued either from the office of Admissions (for new and returning students to the university), or the Office of Continuing Education and Non-Traditional Degree Programs.

All applicants must be twenty-five years or older and be out of high school more than seven years. Students can also request an assessment of prior learning and be considered for additional college credits based on the knowledge they have acquired outside a traditional classroom, such as life and work experiences.

Applicants who have attended other colleges or universities must have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher, be in good standing at the last college or university attended, and have successfully completed 24 semester hours of coursework at a regionally accredited institution.

Transfer Credit

All academic credit earned before admission to the Adult Integrated Learning Program, regardless of when the credit was earned, may be transferred into the program provided that:

  1. The college or university was regionally accredited at the time the credit was earned.
  2. A grade of A, B, C, or P, was earned. (Transfer credit applied to meet the University General Education Requirements will be accepted with a “D” grade.)
  3. The credit could be applied at that institution to an associate or bachelor’s degree program
  4. The course was not a repeated class.
  5. The course was not remedial or developmental.

Prior Learning Portfolio Credit

A maximum of 30 credit hours for portfolio assessment may be accepted toward credit for graduation. Students seeking an assessment of prior learning experience for credit must submit a detailed portfolio to the Dean of Nontraditional Degree Programs. Detailed instructions for the preparation of the portfolio are presented at a portfolio development workshop which all students planning to submit such materials are required to attend. The Dean shall request the assistance of faculty members in assessing a student’s prior learning for translation into academic credit. After a thorough review of the portfolio, which may include where appropriate, interviews and written reports, the faculty member or other evaluators shall recommend to the Dean the hours and level of credit to be given for prior learning. The Dean, in consultation with an advisory or review committee, shall examine the credit recommendation by a faculty evaluator and may recommend the amount of credit be accepted or reduced. The Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, in consultation with the Dean of Continuing Education, must give final approval to the recommendation for credit for prior learning experiences.

Credit by Examination

Students may earn credit by examination through the following programs: College Level Examination Program (CLEP), Advanced Placement Program (AP), Proficiency Examination Program (PEP), College Level General Education Development Test, and college level credits earned through the United States Armed Forces Institute. The standards for these examinations at the university where the student applies for admission will be utilized to determine passing scores and credits awarded.


Students in the Adult Integrated Learning Program are required to pay all regular and special fees as established by the university. Students who request an assessment of prior learning experiences must pay a special fee. This fee is charged each time a student requests any subsequent assessment of work not included in the initial appraisal. Contact Continuing Education for more information regarding fee(s) for prior learning assessment.


All students seeking the Bachelor’s degree in the Adult Integrated Learning Program must successfully complete the program requirements as follows:


  • 3 semester hours of oral communication
  • 6 semester hours of English Composition
  • 3 semester hours of Math from the approved list of General Education mathematics courses

Humanities and Fine Arts:

  • 9 semester hours of humanities and fine arts
  • 3 semester hours of humanities electives to be selected from the following disciplines: AFL, ENGL, modern languages, and PHIL from the approved list of General Education classes.
  • 3 semester hours of fine arts electives to be selected from the following disciplines: ART, CMAT, and MUS from the approved list of General Education classes.
  • 3 semester hours of humanities or fine arts electives

Social Sciences:

9 semester hours of social science electives to be selected from the following disciplines:

  • ANTH, CJ, ECON, GEOG, HIST, POL, PSYC, SOC from the approved list of General Education classes. Must include at least two disciplines.

Natural Sciences:

  • 6 semester hours of natural science electives:
  • 3 semester hours of physical science (chemistry, geography, physical science, or physics) and 3 semester hours of biology; one course must be a lab

Embedded Requirements (in addition to above credits):

  • One critical thinking course and one diversity course from the approved list.

Required Adult Integrated Learning Courses:

Required Course for Those Creating a Portfolio:

Degree Plan:

Students in the Adult Integrated Learning Program will focus their degree to suit their own educational goals and objectives. The degree plan should be coherently designed to meet the goals and objectives of the student. In a traditional major, the degree plan is focused for students by the individual departments; the department specifies which courses a student must take to complete their major and prepare for a career in that field. In the Adult Integrated Learning Program where students do not complete a prescribed major degree, the student designs the degree plan. Students must identify a minimum of 30 hours of upper division courses for credit that suits their particular goals and objectives. At least 12 credit hours of the 30 upper division hours must be at the 4000 level.


  • An additional 48 semester hours from those hours listed above

Graduation Requirements

Students must meet all university requirements for graduation.

Additional Requirements:

All students, regardless of the college and/or program in which they are enrolled, must complete the following University requirements for graduation:

  1. Completion of all curricular requirements as specified in the required program
  2. Completion of 120 credit hours from accredited colleges or universities
  3. Completion of 54 credit hours from a four-year accredited college or university
  4. Completion of the last 30 semester hours at Chicago State University (Credit earned through proficiency examinations, with the exception of university proficiency examinations and/or military training, may not be used to satisfy this requirement.)
  5. Minimum overall cumulative Chicago State University GPA of 2.0 at the time of graduation
  6. Completion of the Senior Thesis course, AIL 4500 .

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