Sep 21, 2024  
Graduate Catalog 2024-2025 
Graduate Catalog 2024-2025

Pharmacy, Pharm.D.

Conferral of Degrees

Chicago State University has been granted authority by the Illinois Board of Higher Education to confer the Doctor of Pharmacy degree.

Prerequisite Course Requirements

  • English (composition) Credit Hours: 6
  • Biology (with laboratory) Credit Hours: 8
  • Anatomy & Physiology, human (All systems) Credit Hours: 6
  • General Chemistry (with laboratory) Credit Hours: 8
  • Organic Chemistry (with laboratory) Credit Hours: 8
  • Physics (mechanics, thermodynamics, force, and motion must be included. May be non-calculus based) Credit Hours: 3
  • Calculus (integration and differentiation) Credit Hours: 3
  • Speech (public speaking) Credit Hours: 3
  • Economics (micro, macro, or general) Credit Hours: 3
  • Statistics (must include probability testing, population statistics, and hypothesis testing up to simple regression) Credit Hours: 3
  • Psychology or Sociology Credit Hours: 3

Total Credit Hours: 54

Students must meet the following requirements:

Achieve a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.50 (on a 4.00 scale), a minimum prerequisite GPA of 2.50 (on a 4.00 scale) in the required pre-pharmacy course curriculum, and a minimum prerequisite science and math GPA of 2.50 (on a 4.00 scale) in the required science and math pre-pharmacy course curriculum.

Grades from all attempts of repeated coursework will be included when calculating the cumulative, pre-requisite and prerequisite science and math coursework grade point average. It is preferred that science and math prerequisite coursework be completed within the last 5 years. Prerequisite coursework older than 10 years will be considered on a case by case basis. Only prerequisite courses required by CSU-SOP will be included in pre-requisite GPA calculations.

Reflect a people/service orientation through community service or extracurricular activities.

Reflect proper motivation for and commitment to the pharmacy profession as demonstrated by previous work, volunteer, or other life experiences.

Possess the oral and written communication skills necessary to interact with patients and colleagues and

Complete CSU-SOP’s virtual or on-campus interview process (by invitation only).

CSU PharmD Professional Curriculum

First Professional Year

Second Professional Year

Third Professional Year

Fourth Professional Year

Summer P4

Total Credit Hours: 6

Fall P4

  • PHAR 64XX - Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience Credits Hours: 5
  • PHAR 64XX - Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience Credits Hours: 5
  • PHAR 64XX - Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience Credits Hours: 5
Total Credit Hours: 15

Spring P4

Total Credit Hours: 15

[Note: This page was updated as a Catalog Addendum on 12/20/2023]

Professional Electives

During their years of study at the CSU PharmD program, students complete a minimum total of 8 credit hours of approved pharmacy electives. A minimum of 2 credit hours must be completed in the P-2 Spring, P-3 Fall, and P-3 Spring semesters.

Professional Practice Experiences

Students must successfully complete 40 credit hours of practical experience during the academic program. Students are required to complete 10 credit hours of introductory pharmacy practice experiences during the first through third professional years and 30 credit hours of advanced pharmacy practice experiences during the fourth professional year. During these experiences, students will spend time in a variety of pharmacy practice settings to develop the necessary skills for contemporary pharmacy practice.

The CSU PharmD program reserves the right to alter its curriculum, however and whenever it deems appropriate.

Graduation Requirements

To qualify for graduation, a student must fulfill the following requirements:

  • Successfully complete the program of professional and experiential course work as approved by the CSU PharmD program Faculty and Dean.
  • Attain a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 (C) for all professional course work at the CSU PharmD program.
  • Complete, at a minimum, the last two didactic semesters and all advanced pharmacy practice experiences at the CSU PharmD program.
  • Successfully complete a capstone project in the fourth professional year.
  • Successfully complete all non-course requirements as approved by the CSU PharmD program Faculty and Dean.
  • Settle all financial accounts with the institution; and
  • Attend the commencement exercises, unless excused by the Dean of CSU PharmD program.

Candidates for graduation must be of good moral character consistent with the requirements of the pharmacy profession and the CSU faculty. It is the position of the faculty that anyone who illegally uses, possesses, distributes, sells, or is under the unlawful influence of narcotics, dangerous drugs, or controlled substances, or who abuses alcohol or is involved in any conduct involving moral turpitude, or fails to meet the ethical and moral requirements of the profession may be dismissed from any program or denied the awarding of any degree from CSU PharmD program.