Feb 10, 2025  
Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025 
Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025

About the University

Chicago State University is a fully-accredited, public, urban commuter and residential institution. Originally founded in 1867 as a teacher training school, the institution has evolved into a multipurpose university committed to meeting the needs of the urban community.

The primary purpose of Chicago State University is instruction. Degrees are conferred at the bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral levels. The university offers undergraduate programs in the College of Arts and Sciences, the College of Business, the College of Education, and the College of Health Sciences and through the Division of Continuing Education and Non-Traditional Programs. The university offers graduate programs in the College of Arts and Sciences, the College of Education, the College of Pharmacy, and the College of Health Sciences. In addition to degree programs, the university offers many courses, certificates and programs of study for in-service education available through late afternoon, evening, and Saturday classes; summer sessions; and extension courses.

Chicago State University admits applicants who meet the admission criteria for its programs to undergraduate and graduate programs. The university is affirmatively committed to providing opportunities for enrollment to all students, regardless of racial or ethnic background, sex, religion, and social or economic circumstance. Faculty and students of Chicago State University engage in scholarly and creative activities that complement and supplement the instructional programs of the university. Faculty and students also provide services to the public. These services integrate the university’s research and instructional purposes and demonstrate their applications to practical matters of importance to governments, businesses, schools, social agencies and community groups. Public services are adjunct to the university’s primary instructional purpose.

Chicago State University is sensitive to the diverse needs and characteristics of its student population. The university’s multiracial student body reflects the demographics of the Chicago metropolitan area, particularly the southern and western areas of the city and adjacent suburbs. In addition, the student body includes more females than males, many part-time students who hold full-time employment, a substantial population of students from low-income backgrounds, and many students who are older than the traditional college age.

CSU is committed to increasing equity through education. The University of Southern California’s Race and Equity Center recently ranked Chicago State University first in Illinois and tied for second nationwide among public universities for educating and supporting African American students. Additionally, a 2017 study on economic mobility conducted by Harvard University economist Raj Chetty, and featured in the New York Times, showed that graduates of Chicago State University were among the most likely to improve their economic status with a college degree: in ranking the nation’s best universities for economic mobility, CSU ranked #2 out of 103 colleges and universities in Illinois, and in the top 4% nationwide out of over 2,000 colleges and universities.


The university is located in a residential community on the south side of Chicago, approximately 12 miles from downtown. The 161-acre campus has contemporary buildings, attractively placed in a carefully preserved woodland setting. The university is conveniently served by the Dan Ryan expressway, the Chicago Transit Authority, Metra, and several bus routes. Ample parking is also available. The mailing address is 9501 S. King Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60628-1598. The phone number is 773/995-2000, and the website address is www.csu.edu.


The university is classified as a comprehensive urban university with a mission that incorporates instruction, research and public service. Chicago State University is governed by a Board of Trustees appointed by the Governor of the State of Illinois. The president has full power and responsibility within the framework of the general policies determined by the Board of Trustees in the organization, management, direction and supervision of the university and is held accountable to the board for the successful functioning of the institution in all its departments, divisions, and services. The general administration of the university is managed by the president.

The university is organized into five divisions, each administered by a vice president: Academic Affairs; Enrollment Management; Administration and Facilities; Financial Operations; Labor and Legal Affairs. Faculty, student, and staff participation in university governance is accomplished through the Faculty Senate, Student Government, the Civil Service Council, and membership on standing and ad hoc committees. These bodies and their committees consider and recommend policies, curricula, and procedures to the president.


Chicago State University will be recognized for innovations in teaching and research, community development and civic engagement. We will promote excellence, ethical leadership, entrepreneurship, and social and environmental justice. We will embrace, engage, educate, propel and elevate our students and community to transform lives locally and globally.


Chicago State University transforms students’ lives by innovative teaching, research, and community partnerships through excellence in ethical leadership, cultural enhancement, economic development, and justice.


  • Personal and academic excellence
  • Personal, professional and academic integrity
  • Diversity, Equity, and inclusion
  • Leadership, service, philanthropy, social justice, and entrepreneurship
  • Creative and innovative thinking and learning
  • Pride in self, community, and the university
  • Lifelong learning