Sep 21, 2024  
Graduate Catalog 2024-2025 
Graduate Catalog 2024-2025

Admission Process

Full Admission

Applicants who fulfill both the graduate school admission criteria and those specified by the department overseeing the program may receive full admission to graduate programs.

Admission with Conditions

Upon reviewing applications, certain programs may propose admission with specific conditions. Applicants admitted under these conditions must meet specified requirements within the program’s designated timeframe. International applicants and those applying to doctoral programs are ineligible for conditional admission. Additionally, students admitted with conditions are not eligible for financial aid or loans; please consult the Financial Aid Office for further information.

Change of Status (Admission with Conditions to Full Admission)

Graduate students admitted conditionally to a degree seeking program at Chicago State University must file a Change of Status request with the Graduate School after fulfilling the specified requirements within the given timeline. This process requires obtaining approval signatures from both the graduate advisor and the Chair of the program to which the student was admitted. It is the student’s responsibility to submit the approved change of status form upon meeting the conditions.Failure to meet the specified requirements will result in the loss of admission status, and the student will not be able to continue in the degree program. Additionally, failing to submit the change of status form promptly may lead to a registration hold for future terms or loss of full admission status to the program.

Early Admission (Graduating Seniors):

Seniors nearing graduation in their final semester and anticipating the conferral of a bachelor’s degree may apply for early admission to graduate school. If accepted early, enrollment in classes will be deferred until the university receives a final transcript confirming the bachelor’s degree has been awarded. Admission will be rescinded for those who do not ultimately receive their bachelor’s degree. This policy applies equally to out-of-state and international students, with the additional requirement for international students to submit evaluations from approved foreign credential evaluators.

Admission to Candidacy:

Select academic departments have prescriptions for evaluating a student’s eligibility for Admission to Candidacy status. Admission to Candidacy is the formal approval for pursuit of a graduate degree after it is determined that all specified preliminary requirements have been met. These prescriptions do not include academic deficiencies of a remedial nature but are designed as a proving ground for indication of future success in the program. After having been admitted to graduate study with the objective of earning an advanced degree, the graduate student must apply for and be admitted to candidacy for the degree sought. Specific information regarding procedures for achieving candidacy is available in the academic department administering a graduate program.

Change of Program

Graduate students who have been formally admitted to a degree program may opt for a change of program for admission to another graduate program. Students must re-apply for the new program with complete documentation as per the new program requirements. Students must also submit a change of program form available on the Graduate School website.

Change of Major/Concentration/Track/Options/Specialization

Graduate students who have been formally admitted to a degree program may request for a change of major/Concentration/Track/Options/Specialization within the same program. Interested students must complete the change of Major/Concentration/Track/Options/Specialization form and submit to the Graduate school by following these steps:

  1. Get the approval of the graduate program advisor and the chairperson of the department.
  2. Submit the completed form to the graduate school.

Any approved changes will be effective the following semester. Therefore, students must submit the application by the last Friday in October [To be effective in spring] or last Friday in March [To be effective in Summer or Fall].

Admission as a Graduate-at-Large Student [Non-Degree]

Non-degree admission to the Graduate School is granted to those who wish to enroll in courses but do not intend to qualify for a degree. Students who hold at least a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited college or university and who wish to enroll in graduate courses for their own personal enrichment or professional advancement may do so by completing the online application. A nonrefundable $30 application fee is required. Applicants for graduate-at-large status must present proof of degree at the time of application. A maximum of twelve semester hours taken in graduate-at-large status at Chicago State University prior to formal admission may be applied to a master’s degree program with the approval of the department administering the program. (Certain programs may only permit fewer hours.). Admission on a non-degree basis does not imply eligibility for matriculation or acceptance to any degree program. Students seeking admission to a specific program must submit a new, complete application along with all required documents for that program.

Applying for Admission

Master of Business Administration

Applications must be submitted through the Business Centralized Application Service [BusinessCAS] application portal.

Please note: Comprehensive guidelines can be found within the Business Centralized Application Service [BusinessCAS] application portal.

Master of Occupational Therapy

Applications must be submitted through the OT Centralized Application Service [OTCAS] application portal.

Please note: Comprehensive guidelines can be found within the OT Centralized Application Service [OTCAS] application portal.

Doctor of Pharmacy

Applications must be submitted through the Pharm Centralized Application Service [PharmCAS] application portal.

Please note: Comprehensive guidelines can be found within the Pharm Centralized Application Service [PharmCAS] application portal.

All Other Graduate Programs

Applications must be submitted through our online application portal.

No paper applications are accepted. A nonrefundable application fee of $30.00 must be paid with the application. Applications submitted without the admission fee will not be processed.

It is important that deadline dates as mentioned in the application [varies depending on the program] are met to ensure admission in the appropriate semester. International applicants are encouraged to apply at least one, preferably two months, earlier than the published deadlines. Students choosing to enroll with graduate-at-large status must meet the admission requirements for non-degree status and are advised that certain admission and enrollment restrictions for some courses may apply.


MBA, OT, and Pharmacy Applicants

Please consult the comprehensive guidelines in the Centralized Application Service application portal for detailed instructions on submitting your transcripts. Note: Transcripts must be sent directly to the respective Centralized Application Service (MBA, OT, or Pharmacy).

All other applicants

Category: Domestic Applicants
  1. Official Transcripts from all higher education institutions/colleges/universities attended.
    1. The official transcript must be either sent directly from each university (through, or or must be placed in a sealed envelope and signed by the university registrar.
    2. Domestic applicants who have attended/earned credits from outside the USA. A course-by-course evaluation of all foreign educational credentials (transcripts) is required and must be reported directly to the university by any of the following and/or professional evaluation service agencies.
      1. Scholaro.
      2. Education Credentials Evaluators (ECE).
      3. World Educational Service (WES).
      4. Educational Perspective (EP).

Note: Transcripts previously submitted to the undergraduate or graduate school at CSU, or the Teacher Licensure Office cannot be reused with a new application.

Category: International Applicant
  1. Foreign Credentials Scholaro GPA and Degree Report
  2. Important Note: Within 45 days of first semester enrollment to the classes, applicants must submit a General Credential Evaluation of all foreign educational credentials (transcripts) directly to Chicago State University by any one of the following professional evaluation service agencies:

Tranfer Credit

Students can transfer prior earned credits in two ways.

  1. Credits Earned from Other Institutions:
    Students may petition to have graduate credit earned at other accredited colleges and universities that were not used towards degree requirements or applied to a degree program at Chicago State University. Approval is dependent upon the department supervising the degree program and the Associate Provost of the graduate school. For an evaluation of transfer credit taken prior to admission at CSU, the student must indicate on the application for admission any transfer credit he/she wishes to have considered. All courses must have been taken within the time limit for completing the degree program prior to the conferral of the graduate degree (see Time Limit under Academic Regulations). Grades earned must be at least a B or above. In general, up to 34% of credits for a degree program may be considered for transfer from other universities. Students must submit  a Transfer Credit Approval Form to the Advisor for the approval of transfer credit. Click here
  2. Proficiency/competency-based credit transfer:
    Proficiency/competency-based credits can also be used as transfer credits [ Within the maximum allowed transfer credit limits]. Up to a maximum of 9 transfer credit hours can be obtained through a department/program administered evaluation and assessment of student’s knowledge and competencies. Students need to contact the program adviser and/or the Chair of the Department for any available proficiency credits. Final decision on approving these credits for transfer will be taken by the Associate Provost of the Graduate School. General rules for transferring credits as described above apply for the proficiency transfer credits also. The application must be submitted in the first semester the student is registered for classes at CSU. Credits are not allowed retroactively. Departments may require additional documentation of prior knowledge/work experience.

CSU Students Taking Courses at Other Institutions

Admitted CSU students who wish to enroll in graduate courses at other regionally/nationally accredited universities must have approval of both the program graduate advisor and the Associate Provost of the Graduate School prior to enrollment. Graduate credit from other regionally accredited universities may be accepted towards a degree program if the courses for which transfer credit is requested are within a degree-program sequence the student selected at that university. These courses must be comparable to those taught at CSU and must be within the time limits similar to CSU courses. Only graduate courses with a minimum of B grade can be transferred. Students must submit  a Transfer Credit Approval Form to the Advisor to take courses outside of the institiution for the approval of transfer credit. Click here


Graduate courses used to meet requirements for a previous graduate degree cannot be counted toward a second degree. However, courses taken to meet requirements for a graduate certificate program may be counted toward a degree program later. Likewise, graduate courses taken as part of a post-baccalaureate teacher licensure program at CSU (but not a MAT program) may be used to satisfy requirements for a master’s degree.

Undergraduate students taking Graduate Courses

Undergraduate students in their senior year [after completion of 90 credit hours] may be allowed to register for a maximum of two 5000 level courses related to their major as electives to fulfill their graduation requirements. Undergraduate students cannot register for 5000 level courses without the permission of the academic adviser and/or the Chair of the Department. Courses which have a 4000-level counterpart [ 4000/5000 designated courses], individual topics, and selected topics and similar courses are not eligible for this purpose. Also, these courses cannot be used for transfer to a graduate program if the student wishes to pursue one.

Pursuing Multiple Degrees

Students may apply to multiple graduate programs simultaneously, but each application must be completed separately. If admitted to more than one program, students may only pursue one degree program at a time.Students enrolled in a degree or post-baccalaureate certificate program through the Office of Graduate and Professional Studies may not work on two degrees concurrently unless they are enrolled in post-baccalaureate certificate programs, dual graduate/professional degree programs, dual graduate/professional enrollment programs, integrated baccalaureate - graduate / professional degree programs or transnational education programs that have been approved through the Chicago State University curriculum review process. Approved programs may involve one or more Chicago State University and external institutions. Programs with external institutions must have a Memorandum of Understanding signed by both institutions.Graduate courses that have been used for completion of a prior degree may not be used to satisfy requirements for a second degree. Students are not required to repeat content in the case of overlap of previously taken graduate courses; instead, students complete electives to meet semester hour requirements.

Leave of Absence

A Leave of Absence (LOA) may be granted for graduate students in good academic standing to take a leave from their degree or graduate certificate program for a specified period, up to a maximum of one year. Students normally apply for leave of absence status under specific circumstances. Leave of absence status indicates a continuing relationship with the university that allows the student to resume studies after the designated “leave” period. Since students on leave are not eligible to receive financial support, a LOA may affect the status of their financial aid. Students are responsible for determining the requirements of their funding agency and/or academic unit prior to applying for a leave of absence. Leave is not granted retroactively, nor to a student whose registration is not current or whose time to complete the degree in program has elapsed. Additional information is available from the department supervising the degree program. Students must submit a Re-Entry application when they return.

Readmission & Re-Apply

Readmission: Students not enrolled for two academic/calendar years or more and did not obtain any leave of absence and wish to come back, may be considered for re-admission, if they have a reasonable chance of completing the program within the original time frame [from the original time of enrollment]. They should submit a petition which must be supported by the program adviser and the Chair of the department. Final decision for re-admission will be made by the Associate Provost of the Graduate School. Students will be bound by the regulations at the time of their initial registration. Withdrawal may affect the student’s status of financial aid. Check with the Financial Aid office.

Re-Apply: Students not enrolled for two academic years or more and have no realistic possibility to complete the degree program within the original time frame [ 6 years for master’s and 7 years for Ed. D], must re-apply as new students. Any courses taken before may be considered for completing the requirements if they are not aged out. Students will be bound by the regulations at the time of new enrollment.

Aged Courses

Courses which are older than 6 years for master’s and 7 years for Ed.D. program are considered to be aged and cannot be used for counting towards the degree. Requests for exception to the policy may be considered if a petition is submitted along with a request for extension of time for graduation. Similar to the extension, an exception may be granted for courses taken within the extended time period. Retroactive petitions are not accepted.

Extension of Time Limits to Complete the Degree

Most Masters programs are of Two-Year duration. A few programs have special requirements [ internships etc.] and may be of extended duration. However, all work to satisfy master’s degree requirements (including transfer credits, theses etc.) must be completed within a six-year period from the time of initial registration. Students enrolled in the EdD doctoral program must complete the degree within seven years and students in the PharmD doctoral program must complete the degree within six years of their first enrollment at Chicago State University.

Graduate students who have not completed their program within the required time limit (starting from the date of the original registration to graduate study) but are in good academic standing, may apply to their department/college for an extension of time. Students must file a petition for an extension explaining the circumstances and a plan for completion. The petition must be approved by the program and the College to which the student belongs before submitting to the Graduate School. The Graduate School must receive the petition by Second Friday in October if the Fall is the last semester and Second Friday in March if the Spring semester is the last semester for the student before extension. The Graduate Council will vote on it and recommend it to the Associate Provost of Graduate School. If granted, extension is given for a period of maximum one academic or calendar year. Extension of time may also involve a request for exception on aged courses. Students need to check with their advisers. No retroactive extensions will be granted.

Academic Reinstatement

A graduate student who has been academically dismissed may petition for academic reinstatement. Students must obtain the permission of the program/department for reinstatement and submit the petition to the Associate Provost of Graduate and Professional Studies. Normally, if the student is reinstated, courses that have been completed [if they have not aged] will be credited to the degree, and only outstanding degree requirements must be completed. The start date remains the date of initial entry to the program, and the time limit for completion of the degree is not affected. A student may be considered for reinstatement on the recommendation of the department if:

  1. The student is in good academic standing
  2. Any delinquent fees or charges are paid, including tuition and continuing fees owed for the period during which the student did not register
  3. The time limit for degree completion, including the sessions in which the student was not registered, has not expired.

A student who was required to withdraw for academic reasons is not necessarily eligible for reinstatement.